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Babywearing gives the best of both worlds — the comfort of being near your little one and the convenience of hands-free parenting.

If you have a newborn at home, you’re likely carrying them for hours on end. It’s normal; newborns want to be near you, held by you, and on you. They need the warmth and scent of your skin, the soothing sound of your voice, and your heartbeat because that’s what they have experienced in the mother’s womb. But these needs that your baby has can make everyday life a lot trickier. How will you pour yourself a glass of water or reply to that text you have wanted to attend to if you have a baby in your arms? 

Babies can seem incredibly heavy if you carry them around all day, but there isn’t much choice for a busy mom. I’d loved snuggling with a baby on the couch the entire day, overdoing everyday things like cleaning, washing milk bottles, folding the laundry, going grocery shopping. But for all these activities, my baby was going to be with me. Then I learned that there was a much easier way out there – babywearing. 

Here, we have some key benefits of babywearing (for both babies & mummies).

Sense of security and connection, less crying. 

Babywearing provides babies with comfort and security, especially in the fourth trimester. They sense the familiarity they felt in the womb, the soothing sound of your voice, and your heartbeat. It provides them with warmth & attachment. Because of the connection and security that the baby feels during babywearing, it reduces crying. 

Less crying, more observant & alert, smarter baby.

Babies whose parents wear cry less. The more you wear your baby, the happier your baby will be, the less he will cry, and the more time he’ll spend in a quiet, alert, observant state (& that’s when babies learn the most). 

Increased verbal skills, enhanced learning

When parents wear babies, they have a chance to be more socially engaged, both with you and the people surrounding them. They will hear what the parent hears and say, see what the parent sees, and even do what their parent does. Babies worn are at the wearer’s level; it’s almost like they are in on the conversation. This leads to enhanced learning and better cognitive development, as babies are more involved in everyday actions. Babies also learn speech patterns as they watch their parents form words with their mouths and can begin practicing sounds and words at a younger age. You’re also more likely to speak and communicate with the baby when you are babywearing them than pushing a stroller. 

Hands-free, you get to keep up with life.

One of the most challenging transitions when having a new baby is the tension between caring for your baby and doing other things that need to be done, such as running errands, housework, even caring for older siblings. Babywearing is the best answer to this for a busy mom.

It can be good for the hips!

Hip dysplasia is a problem babies can sometimes experience in the first few months of their life. When babies have hip dysplasia, their hips are compromised because they have not formed correctly; this, in turn, can lead to problems such as dislocation. However, when babywearing is done correctly, it can help babies keep their hips in a position that promotes strong, healthy hips. 

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Japheth Chiara